Andalusian Association of Mountain Guides
The Andalusian Association of Mountain Guides (AAGGM) was founded in 2017. The AAGGM, is a profesional association of Mountain Guides, without spirit of profit. Amongthe objectives of the AAGGM we can find the consolidation of the Mountain Guide profession in Andalusia (Spain) and the defense of profesional interests at all levels. |
Russian Mountain Guides Association
Russian Mountain Guides Association (RMGA) was founded in 2010. One of the main tasks of the RMGA is the consolidation of mountain guides in Russia on a professional basis, as well as the popularization of active and extreme recreation in the mountains on a safe and professional basis. To achieve this goal, a national school of mountain guides was established. For the development and implementation of norms and rules of activities of mountain guides in Russia, the RMGA is guided on the standards of the International Federation of Mountain Guides Associations (IFMGA). |
Kyrgyzstan Mountain Guide Association
Kyrgyzstan Mountain Guide Association was founded in 2007 year. Since 2008 year KMGA is developing the project of mountain guide education according UIAGM-IFMGA standards. Now there are 35 members from 8 countries: Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Latvia, Ukraine, Switzerland and Great Britain. 1st of December 2017 Kyrgyzstan Mountain Guide Association (KMGA) become a member of IFMGA. |