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Learn what is the difference between OUTDOOR ENTHUSIAST, GUIDE and ATHLETE status

If you climb and hike to compete with the other people then you need to choose option "Athlete". If you provide a guiding service then your status should be a “GUIDE”. In any other cases please choose status “OUTDOOR ENTHUSIAST”. Please note that you can set your status just once and it can not be changed in the future. Website has different functionalities for OUTDOOR ENTHUSIASTS, GUIDES and ATHLETES, e.g. GUIDES may add him/herself to the profiles of those mountains, rocks and routes where they provide guiding services. Also GUIDES and ATHLETES may change privacy settings of their profiles to public mode in order to make their skills and achievements to be visible to anyone.

Learn how to increase your Activity Level

There are five types of Activity Level - Beginner, Basic, Intermediate, Advanced and Expert. Activity Level depends on the combination of Rating and quantity of Friends. A table below describes a correlation between the type of Activity Level and numerical values:
Activity Level Rating Quantity of Friends
Beginner 0 - 250 0 - 10
Basic 250 - 1 000 10 - 30
Intermediate 1 000 - 5 000 30 - 70
Advanced 5 000 - 10 000 70 - 100
Expert 10 000+ 100+

*Example: a Climber can't increase his Mountaineering Activity Level to "Expert" until he accumulates more than 10,000 Rating points on Mountaineering. In addition, he must have at least 100 Friends. Changing of Activity Level does not happen automatically - a Climber must change it manually. If number of Friends reduced to the threshold value (e.g. to 99), the Activity Level will be automatically lowered to "Advanced".

Learn how to increase your Rating

Rating is an individual numerical index that shows user’s experience and level of his professionalism. Rating is used to compare CLIMBERS, GUIDES and ATHLETES in different lists such as GUIDES' LISTS, THE MOST EXPERIENCED CLIMBERS LISTS, THE MOST RATED ATHLETES and etc. There are five types of sporting activities at the Mountain Planet - rock-climbing, mountaineering, hiking, ice-climbing and backcountry skiing. Each route has its own "value", measured in Rating Points. The Rating is calculated by adding the "value" of the all routes claimed by the Climber in all five Activity Types. "Value" of each route illustrated in the respective tables below. Rating is counted only when confirmation of route passage received from at least two witnesses, specified by the Climber. The history of Climber’s rating can be traced at the Rating History page;


Table of points breakdown for mountaineers:

Summit Elevation Points Earned Examples of Routes
7 800+ m 2 000 Routes to Mount Everest, Cho-Oyu, K2, etc.
7 400 - 7 800 m 1 500 Routes to Peak Ismoil Somoni, Pobeda Peak, Muztagh Ata, etc.
7 000 - 7 400 m 1 000 Routes to Khan-Tengri, Lenin Peak, etc.
6 000 - 6 999 m 500 Routes to Ama Dablam, Chimborazo, Denali, Aconcagua, etc.
4 000 - 5 999 m 250 Routes to Kilimanjaro, Elbrus, Mont Blank, Rainier, etc.
3 000 - 3 999 m 100 Routes to Mount Cook, Fuji, etc.
0 - 2 999 m 20 Routes to Mount Kosciusko, Mount Goverla, etc.
*Example: a Climber claimed Mount Kilimanjaro (5 985 m = 250 Rating Points) and Mount Aconcagua (6 962 m = 500 Rating Points). When two witnesses confirm the fact of summiting then 750 Rating Points automatically will be added to his Rating. At the same time Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Aconcagua, as well as countries Tanzania and Argentina, will be added to the Climber’s “Mountains & Rocks” and “Countries” sections respectively;


Table of points breakdown for hikers and backcountry skiers:

Max Elevation Reached Points Earned Examples of Routes
4 000 - 5 999 m 250 Routes in the Himalayas, Pamir, Karakorum, Andes, etc.
3 000 - 3 999 m 100 Routes in the Caucasus, Pyrenees, Alps, etc.
0 - 2 999 m 20 Routes in Sayan Mountains, Southern Alps in New Zealand, Carpathians, etc.
*Example: a Climber claimed Mount Everest Base Camp Trek. The maximum elevation of the Trek is 5 100 meters. When two witnesses confirm the fact of climbing then 250 Rating Points automatically will be added to his Rating. At the same time Nepal will be added to the Climber’s “Countries” section;


Table of points breakdown for rock- and ice-climbers:

*Example: an Athlete claimed a rock climbing route 8a (1 000 Rating Points) and ice climbing route M10 (500 Rating Points). The total amount of Rating Points is 1 500. When two witnesses confirm the fact of climbing then 1 500 Rating Points automatically will be added to his Rating. At the same time snippets of the Rock and the Icefall will be added to the Climber’s “Mountains & Rocks” section;

Learn how to verify description of routes, mountains, rocks, ranges, etc.

Verifying description of routes, mountains, rocks, ranges, etc. is a major part of executing Mountain Planet mission to make the mountains safer and more accessible to people by providing secure information about routes, conditions, equipment and service providers. To protect the most important content pages from damage the unique mechanism of verification has been developed. Every user who has “Expert” status can protect those pages from editing by increasing page status from “Draft Page” to “Verified Page”. To verify the page the “Expert” have to check all content that page contains and if he agree that provided information is true, reliable and comprehensive then he may change page status to “Verified” by using tool “Verify” located in the sandwich button on the page cover photo. Since the page status has been changed to “Verify” the green marker is added next to the page name to indicate that this page is reliable and only “Experts” may edit content that verified page contains. For other people those pages are available in “read-mode” only. To check the name of the “Expert” who verified the page please click on green marker “Verified” located next to the page name.


Learn how to improve description of routes, mountains, rocks, ranges, etc.

Those people who are ready to contribute secure information about routes, conditions, equipment and service providers, can easily do it by editing content pages. Editing is simple - just click the “Edit” button located next to the title of each content block. Please edit responsibly and note that your name and changes you made will be added to the page’s timeline and become visible to anyone.


Learn who can see stuff I add to sections of my Profile page (ex: achievements, routes, equipment, photos, etc.)

Only your Friends can see the stuff you’ve added to your Profile Page. At the same time your name, climbing status, current Rating, profile photo and cover photo are available for anyone and can be found via search tools of the website. GUIDES and ATHLETES may change privacy settings of their profiles to public mode in order to make their skills and achievements to be visible to anyone. To change privacy settings please go to the Edit Profile -> Privacy.


Learn how to customize the web-address for your Profile or your Page.

You can customize the web address for your Profile or your Page by choosing a username. To get started, go to Settings -> Web Address. You can choose a username that Mountain Planet suggests or create your own. Select Check Availability to see if the username you want is available. If it is, click Confirm to confirm your choice. Note: To create your Mountain Planet web address you need to have at least 50 friends and 1 Rating point. You must be an admin to choose a username for a Page.


Terms of usage of “Guides’ List” service.

During period of testing the beta version of the site, this service is provided to anyone on free of charge basis. Please note that terms of usage of this service could be changed and in this case you will be immediately notified by Mountain Planet.


Learn how to add your profile to the guides’ list.

Adding your profile to the route’s guides’ list is simple. First of all you need to find the route’s or mountain profile using Search or Explore tool.

Then at the right bar of the profile locate Guides’ List section and click to the “Add” button.

This brings you to the popup window where you need to specify at least two witnesses who can confirm the fact of your guiding status.

Once the confirmation is received your profile appears at the “Guides’ List” section. You can always check verification status and add more witnesses at the “Guides’ List” section of your own profile.

Please note that your position in the guides’ list depends on your current Rating. The higher your Rating, the higher your position. Learn here how to increase your Rating by claiming mountains and routes you climbed.

Learn how to claim mountains and routes.

You’ll need to claim the mountains and routes you climbed in order to increase your Rating. Claiming mountains and routes is simple. First of all you need to find the route’s or mountain profile using Search or Explore tool. Then choose option “Claim it” located at the cover photo of the route’s (or mountain’s) profile or at the bottom of the route’s (or mountain’s) snippet.

This brings you to the popup window where you need to specify at least two witnesses and the date of climb.

Once the confirmation is received your profile appears at the “People who were here” section. You can always check verification status and add more witnesses at the “Routes” section of your own profile.

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