
Mount Stuart (2 870 m / 9 209 ft)

Parent Range: North American Cordillera
Activity type: Mountaineering, Hiking, Backcountry Skiing
Summit(s): Stuart (2 870 m /9 416 feet)
Elevation: 2 870 m / 9 209 ft
Cost of climbing: from$ 800


Mountain Name(s):
Mount Stuart, Mont Stuart, Núi Stuart, 斯圖爾特山, スチュアート山, माउंट स्टुअर्ट, 마운트 스튜어트, Стьюарт, Стюарт
2 870 m / 9 209 ft
Stuart (2 870 m /9 416 feet)
Activity type:
Mountaineering, Hiking, Backcountry Skiing
North America, United States (USA): (Washington)
Starting Point:
Parent Range:
First Ascent:
??/??/1873 Angus McPherson (USA)
Snow line: Please update
1 632 m / 5 354 ft
71 m / 44 ft
Climbing Season(s): Please update
Convenience Center(s):


North America, United States (USA): (Washington)
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    To accomplish the ascent to the top of the US cult peak - and to do so by any of the currently available mountaineering skills level: to the top of the mountain lead a huge number of paths and routes, allowing to separate the flows of tourists from each other. The abundance of natural areas and soil around and on the mountain itself make sense in repeating the climb several times and take a completely different way to the top every time. The road itself to the starting point of the ascent is a small trip, filled with lots of beautiful views, including the peak, which in the region is one of the most recognizable high-rise landmarks.
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    Mount Stuart is the second highest peak in Washington state not belonging to the class of volcanoes after Bonanza Peak and the tenth highest in the general list with its 2870 m. Stuart - the highest point of the ridge of the same name, located in the central part of the Cascade Mountains, south of Stevens Pass in the east of the Snoqualmie Pass in Alpine Lakes wilderness. Mountain is famous not because of its height but such features as steep slopes and the absence of other peaks in its vicinity which once again emphasizes the picturesque view of Mount Stuart. Across its surface the mountain has a rough texture which is caused by the constant crushing granite rocks. Northern slopes are home for three major glaciers. The easiest path to the top is not difficult to climb, so almost for certain ts peaks had been reached at different times by Native Americans prior to officially registered climbs. Top of the mountain can be reached in many different ways, including through the sections that include the need for special equipment, as well as snow drifts - such routes are mostly located at northern slopes of Mount Stuart.
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    At a considerable distance from major population centers in the mountain "heart" of the northwest United States, surrounded by many other significant for the American geography peaks, deeply in the "fork" formed by Highway 90 and 97.
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    Any transport from the Seattle by highway 90 about 150 miles east to the trans-shipment point "Esmeralda".
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    Alpine Lake Wilderness permit required. These are self-issued at the trailhead. Special overnight permits required June 15 - Oct. 15 for the unique Enchantments Area.
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    Mandatory element is the use of climbing helmet on head: rockfalls, including provoked by mountain goats are quite frequent on mount Stuart.


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Last update: Slava Shevtsov (27 Jun 2018) • History

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