
Coastal Cordillera (Venezuela)

South America, Venezuela: (Anzoátegui, Aragua, Carabobo, Cojedes, Delta Amacuro, Falcón, Guárico, Lara, Miranda, Monagas, Sucre, Yaracuy, Zulia), Trinidad and Tobago: (Borough of Arima, City of Port of Spain, Tobago)
Parent Range: Caribbean Andes
Max. Elevation: 2 765 m / 9 072 ft
Geology: Tectonic
Average Length: 745 miles / 1 200 km
Average Width: 50-170 miles / 31-106 km
Image of Coastal Cordillera (Venezuela)
Credit: cafenaiguata.blogspot.com


Range Name(s):
Coastal Cordillera (Venezuela)
Max. Elevation:
2 765 m / 9 072 ft
South America
South America, Venezuela: (Anzoátegui, Aragua, Carabobo, Cojedes, Delta Amacuro, Falcón, Guárico, Lara, Miranda, Monagas, Sucre, Yaracuy, Zulia), Trinidad and Tobago: (Borough of Arima, City of Port of Spain, Tobago)
Activity type: Please update
Starting Point:
Parent Range:
Snow line: Please update
Average Length:
745 miles / 1 200 km
Average Width:
50-170 miles / 31-106 km
Convenience Center(s):


South America, Venezuela: (Anzoátegui, Aragua, Carabobo, Cojedes, Delta Amacuro, Falcón, Guárico, Lara, Miranda, Monagas, Sucre, Yaracuy, Zulia), Trinidad and Tobago: (Borough of Arima, City of Port of Spain, Tobago)
  • Your Chance To Edit •  Add / Share you knowledge with mates

    Two of the three major south american mountain ranges are located in Venezuela. The highest mountains of Venezuela belong to the Coastal Cordillera that is a part of the Caribbean Andes, while its most popular attractions - Mount Roraima and Angel Falls - do not belong to the Andes and are the part of the Guiana Highlands. Mountains of Venezuela mainly famous for their rock climbing areas as well as a numerous beautiful hiking routes.
  • Description Edit •  Add / Share you knowledge with mates

    Coastal Cordillera is a mountain range that stretches along the Caribbean coast of Venezuela. It is a part of the Caribbean Andes and consists of two parallel mountain ranges, stretching from east to west and separated by a valley that includes Lake Valencia. The northern range of the Coastal Cordillera is called the Serrania del Litoral while its southern or inland range called the Serrania del Interior. The maximum height of the mountains in the Coastal Cordillera does not exceed 3000 meters so mountain slopes are usually covered with green vegetation. The highest peak in the Coastal Cordillera is Pico Naiguata (2765 meters), located in the Serrania del Litoral. The Coastal Cordillera fall into the Gulf of Paria, which separates the mainland from the island part, and reappear again, forming the northern coast of the Trinidad and Tobago.
  • Location Edit •  Add / Share you knowledge with mates

    Coastal Cordillera (Caribbean Andes) is located on the territory of the two countries - Venezuela and Trinidad and Tobago. It runs east and west along the Caribbean Sea. This mountain range takes its origin in the west from Lake Maracaibo and extends up to the islands forming Trinidad and Tobago.
  • Did You Know Edit •  Add / Share you knowledge with mates

    Two of the three major south american mountain ranges are located in Venezuela. The highest mountains of Venezuela belong to the Coastal Cordillera that is a part of the Caribbean Andes, while its most popular attractions - Mount Roraima and Angel Falls - do not belong to the Andes and are the part of the   ... Read more
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