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BeginnerMountain Planet
11 years, Australia
Trekker is not a snail: you don’t need to carry your “home” with you (certainly you can, but it’s called “caravanning” and means different kind of activity). Mountain Planet experts compiled a list of most needful things when preparing to walking holidays. Chalk it and have some good days in the outdoors!
You shouldn’t start to collect things on last day before the trip: you certainly can forget one or two necessary items. That’s why you must write down all your gear and start to scratch out when packing. If you create the list in a Google Docs (or any other computer program), you can compare the correctness of choice before the next trekking.
During arranging, divide all the things to three parts: the heaviest, average weight and light-weight.
Photo: Sayan Nath for Unsplash Forget all the grandpa’s tales about packing all heaviest things on the bottom of your pack. Modern tendencies are – to pack hefty stuff in the middle of the pack. At the bottom you may locate the tent and sleeping bag. Lifehack: emplace the belongings in a such an order, as a result of which you can sit on the backpack during a rest, knowing that you will not break anything. Remember, that in the ideal situation backpack weight should not exceed 30% of your weight.
The novices in outdoor camping often do not know a hack – how to reduce the weight of ordinary gear. Sure you can buy light-weight things in sport store, but with the short budget you can do it yourself. For example, separate the hand from your toothbrush. Instead of heavy metal flask use plastic water bottle. And the spare t-shirt cope with easy with the role of the towel. For sure you shouldn’t take the whole bottle of the favorite shampoo or soap, use small bottles or single-use packs.
As for the meals, take sublimated food, it will decrease not only the weight of backpack, but a capacity also.
Photo: Danka Peter for Unsplash The outdoor gear manufacturers like to state “waterproof” about the goods, but experienced travelers know that not all the words should be trusted. If the weather cast is questionable, take the ultralight raincover (they made it from siliconised ripstop nylon). One can choose from different sizes and color; and if you are desperate for the money, use the simple garbage sack. And your sleeping belongings say “thank you” in the case of the unexpected rain.
If you have a few trekking days ahead, choose the backpack with the correct harness; adjust it and the hip belt before the trip. The correct customizing will help you to save the back muscles and overall impression of the hike.
Adjust the straps with the loaded pack, in this case you can correct the contents and avoid problems during vacation.
Photo: Nathan Dumlao for Unsplash All your friends have an earned rest, and you are still can’t find flip-flops? That’s why you should put all the needed gear in an appropriate place. The better choice is to complete the things according to the activity. Morning procedures? Put all the belongings in the shower bag. Overnight stop? Keep the underwear and the spare socks inside the sleeping bag. For the quick access use the upper zipped pockets of your backpack.
This lifehack will save your nerves during long trekking: no one likes the clinking sounds inside backpack. So try to divide the hard things with wrapping it in a t-shirt or spare shorts. And do not forget to jump up with the pack before moving off: it will be easy than shake it by hands.
All the good scouts and ranges check their gear in such a manner for decades.
Photo: Andrew Ly for Unsplash The top lead is a useful thing for the quick access to your belongings, but do not lift the pack by it. The result may end up with the teared gear (and you pay a lot for this fancy model, didn’t you?). Take into the account, that in several samples the top lead is removable, not sewed. Instead use special load lifters, every manufacturer tries to make them noticeable and strengthened.
If you use some medicine continually, we will not recall to take it into the wild. But do not forget to bring additional sunscreen, repellent, Band-Aid and decontaminant. Medical supplies in the general first-aid kit may end, and the mosquitoes always want to eat.
Also put the reserve elastic band, it weighs almost nothing, but some of your friends can use it in the emergency.
Photo: Aneta Ivanova for Unsplash Finished the packing? Congratulations! Then inspect backpack from the different angles: it sides should not bulge, and all the construction mast be symmetrical. The top of the pack should not be higher than your head (at maximum – at one level). And an icing on the cake… Extract all the things and pack them back for the second time. This training will help you to be the best tourist in the outdoors! Have a good trip! *** Mountain Planet is the world’s fastest growing online Alpine Community for outdoor enthusiasts and innovative brands. MountainPlanet.com is the ultimate information destination for everything outdoors and alpine. Our goal is to make mountains safer and more accessible to the people who love them all around the world.
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