Mountain Adventures Made Easy

Any mountain in the World

Try: climb Aconcagua in december, Trekking in Europe, Alps in June

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Featured collections

Check out the best collections that Mountain Planet experts have made for you. You will definetly find interesting mountain adventures, no matter if you are a beginner, or a seasoned mountain veteran.

7 Summits

The "Seven Summits" is the name given to highest points of the seven continents of the world. It became a famous mountaineering challenge. The most motivated and entusiastic climbers have it on their bucket list.

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If you are thinking of taking the next step in your mountaineering experience, check out our Expeditions!

Broad Peak expedition

with Death Zone Freeride team Learn More

Mountain Encyclopedia

We have collected more than 100,000 mountains in our encyclopedia — read, explore and get inspired.

Mountain ranges, mountains included in them, locations, technical information and much more.


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We've gathered the info about every single mountain on Earth, selected the best guides and local providers and came up with the optimal offers for your mountain travel — any level, continent or season you want.

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