47 years, Australia

Daily Mountain

47 years, Australia

4 years ago

Love and Lhotse

This article first appeared on http://www.si.com. The original can be read here.


Driven by loss, two of the world’s best mountaineers, Hilaree Nelson and Jim Morrison, set out to make history and find answers in the shadow of Mount Everest.   

Love and Lhotse
Nick Kalisz

They set off for the summit before dawn, steps lit by a waning moon.

Above them loomed the jagged outline of Lhotse, rising 27,940 feet, and, to the north, the shadow of Everest. Below stretched a vast expanse of white—ravines and gullies, frozen rivers of ice—and beyond that Nepal. Somewhere over the horizon lay everything the pair often tried to escape: the cities and highways, the clatter, the dark memories.

They communicated without words, conserving energy, James Morrison in front and Hilaree Nelson a few steps behind. Alpine ski blades framed their packs. They’d need to move fast at the summit; according to Morrison’s calculations, they had 12 hours before weather arrived. If they made it, though—if the chute was passable, if they maintained an elevated pace, if the winds held—they’d have a shot at doing something no human had: summiting and then skiing the Dream Line, a track of snow down the western side of the peak. Among mountaineers, it had become a Holy Grail.

Morrison and Nelson wanted to be the first to descend it, of course, but that was only one of the reasons they had traveled to the other side of the world, assuming risks some peers felt too great.

Their other motives were more elemental. And more complicated.


Neither was really meant for this world, the one of conference calls and Starbucks.

Morrison made his break early. During the 1980s his family enjoyed a pleasant middle-class existence in Walnut Creek, Calif. Jim and his older brother, John, deconstructed cardboard boxes and slid down near-vertical hills at the base of Mount Diablo. At one point Jim tied a rope to the base of a toilet on the second floor of the house, then tossed the other end out the window, trusting it would hold as he rappelled the stucco exterior. It did.

Mountains captivated him. By his senior year in high school Jim had finagled an “independent study” project on the slopes in Tahoe. After trying college—it didn’t take—he began entering extreme skiing competitions, finishing seventh at the 1998 European championships, in Chamonix. He saw a life unfolding: backcountry trips, sponsors, a world devoid of traditional responsibilities.

As for Nelson, she was supposed to be a power forward. Or at least that was her father’s dream. Stan ran the family car dealership in Seattle and filmed all of Hilaree’s games as she led Shorewood High to the state tournament, raging at refs or coaches who didn’t see what he did in his daughter. But at Colorado College, a Division III school, she chose not to play, creating a rift with her father. Instead, she majored in biology, graduated and headed to Europe for five months—which turned into five years. The endurance, wiry strength and body control that had helped her on the court translated to skiing and climbing. Like Jim, she competed in the European championships in Chamonix. In 1996, she took first place. By 1999, The North Face was sponsoring her.

Then, in 2000, she met a real estate agent named Brian O’Neill. The two clicked. She began thinking about a family. A different sort of life. 


Thousands of miles away, Morrison entertained similar thoughts. By this point he had earned a reputation for gnarly descents, which gained him sponsors and appearances in ski films. 

Then he met Katie Jackson. She had shoulder-length brown hair, intense brown eyes and a no-b.s. way about her. They’d first crossed paths at a Tahoe house party. He was just off crutches after blowing an ACL. She appraised his leg and told him she’d walked on to the Georgetown hoops team. ACLs aren’t so bad, she said, so get off the couch and stop complaining.

Jim had sparred back, as alphas do, launching into a soliloquy on something or other.

“It seems like you have a theory for everything,” Katie interjected. ”So, what’s your theory on love?”

Jim paused. He didn’t have one.

“I think you know within four dates,” she said. 

“O.K.,” he replied. “How do I get the first date?”

“This is the first date,” she said.

Jim was floored: “I’m thinking, Holy s---, who is this girl?” He spent the night chasing her around the party. He finally got her number, scrawled on a scrap of cardboard from a Bud 12-pack. He got his second date. Then a third. For that one, Katie flew to Tahoe. She had her private pilot’s license. 

In time, she helped teach him to fly. And, when he traveled to Europe for ski competitions, she came along. At one, a sponsor rep noticed the way Jim looked at Katie, then pulled him aside. “What are you doing?” the rep asked. “You know you’re going to have to choose, right?”

So he did. Jim chose Katie. The couple married in 2000 and settled down in Truckee, Calif. Jim started his own home-building company. Katie worked in real estate. In 2004, Wyatt was born, followed 15 months later by Hannah. The family adopted an energetic golden retriever named Cody, who waited in the hallway for the kids to get home every day. Jim became that dad in the polo shirt, belt and khaki shorts. To his surprise, he loved it.

Years passed. His company thrived. Then, in March 2011, Katie flew the plane they had bought—a single-engine Cessna 210—down to L.A. to see a friend, bringing Wyatt and Hannah, now six and five, at the last minute. Jim stayed behind for work. He knew he put in too many hours, but he envisioned scaling back. He told Katie as much on the phone the night of Saturday, March 19, as she packed to return to Truckee the following morning. “I’ve almost got this locked in,” he said.

That night, a storm rolled in, coating the slopes of Tahoe a brilliant white. As Katie and the kids took off, Jim took advantage of an epic powder day. 

Three hours into shredding KT, at Squaw, his ski caught on something under the snow. His ankle wrenched sideways. He made it down on one ski, then called Katie. She always knew what to do.

Katie didn’t answer, so he texted. Then texted again. Annoyance turned to worry. It wasn’t like her not to check in. He forgot about the throbbing in his ankle. He got home and checked FlightAware,

which tracks planes by tail number. 

The page loaded: a green line originating at John Wayne Airport in Orange County. Midway through the route, it just stopped.


Hilaree still isn’t sure what went wrong.

The approach was simple: Gather speed, then cross a short snow bridge over a shallow creek. But her client seemed nervous, so Hilaree hung back.

By now, she had guided for a decade, after moving to Telluride, Colo., with Brian. They’d married and had two kids: Quinn in 2007 and Grayden two years after. Hilaree loved parenting; she also fought to maintain her career. And now here she was, seven months after Grayden’s birth, on her first morning back guiding. It was a routine heli-skiing trip in the Mineral Creek Basin in Colorado: three experienced older men and one of their girlfriends, a 50-year-old from Huntington Beach, Calif. They had connected immediately. Hilaree prided herself on helping women to push past fear. So now, as she faced the two-foot-wide stream crossing on a snowboard, Hilaree advised her: Keep up your speed. I’ll be right behind you.

But she came in too slow. Wobbling, she tipped backward, falling though sugar snow, the exceptionally cold, dry powder unique to the region. Her helmet hit the water first and lodged between a rock and the creek bed. By the time Hilaree and another guide got her out, the woman had stopped breathing and had no pulse. San Miguel County Sheriff Bill Masters deemed it “one of those freak things.”

Her boyfriend—who had been carrying a ring, intending to propose later that day—didn’t blame the guides. “They tried to save her, and I am forever grateful,” he told the Telluride Daily Planet. Hilaree was less forgiving of herself. 

Death came with the territory in her line of work. This was different, though. This was Telluride, not Machu Picchu. A two-foot stream jump, not a high-altitude descent. She couldn’t let it go. Guilt. Regret. Then, rage. “I lost my s--- for a long time,” she says. Her temper flared. She threw furniture, broke her foot kicking a chair. Panic attacks descended. She took Xanax. Drank too much. Tried EMDR. Swallowed Ambien in hopes of sleep that refused to come. Her marriage began to crumble. She tried a break from climbing and guiding. That only made her feel worse, though. She was adrift, unsure of herself. 


Love and Lhotse
Courtesy of James Morrison

For the funeral, Morrison prepared a few words.

“I don’t really have a purpose anymore,” he told mourners four days after the crash. “I can either take my own life or I can live life in their honor. I don’t think the first will make them proud of me. So I’ve decided to do the second.” 

In the weeks after, Morrison looped. One moment he’d be doing laundry, the next on the floor, curled up, crying. Walking to the top of the driveway felt like a monumental accomplishment.

He became consumed with figuring out what occurred, badgering the FAA for details and hiring a specialist to use computer modeling to re-create the crash. He persuaded a friend to ride shotgun while he flew a Cessna on the same route. They found the wreck site. It provided certainty, if not closure. The NTSB’s final accident report read, “The investigation was unable to determine the specific reasons for the loss of control and resulting aerodynamic spin.”

Being home only exacerbated his grief. The house felt enormous. Cody stationed himself at the end of the hallway, refusing to budge until his family came home. The dog died a year later. Jim believes he never really recovered.

Morrison tried one therapist, then another, then a life coach. He talked with author Eckhart Tolle, after listening to his book The Power of Now. Tolle told him he didn’t have to “get over” the loss—like a backpack, you put it on and take it with you.

He tried. As long as Morrison kept moving, he found, he could cope. In 2013 he climbed Ama Dablam in Nepal. Two years later he signed on with a group to try the first ski descent of Makalu, the fifth-highest mountain in the world, near the border of Nepal, China and Tibet. Two of the climbers who made the attempt he knew. The third he had never met, though he remembered her from the podium, years before in Chamonix. 


When Nelson arrived for the Makalu expedition, her marriage, career and confidence were all cratering. She hadn’t slept a full night since the guiding accident. A year earlier she had led a team on a failed attempt to become the first to summit and document Hkakabo Razi in Burma, the highest peak in Southeast Asia. 

Now she was in Nepal, hoping the trip would provide equilibrium. As they ascended, the quartet spent long days at a series of base camps, adjusting to the altitude. They passed time by playing cards and watching movies. Forced proximity can create friction or fast-track friendships. The latter occurred. One afternoon, while watching Castaway on an iPad inside a tent, Morrison broke down. He saw himself in the film: a man forced to cast away everything from his life, until nothing remained. He thought of Katie, and the kids. He began crying and then talking, telling Nelson—practically a stranger—the story of the accident and the years after. How he blamed himself. How he felt guilty that he was alive. Nelson sat there, she recalls, “trying not to insert myself, just to listen.” 

They never made the summit of Makalu, thwarted

by the threat of avalanches. Still, the group made for a good team. At the end of the trip they vowed to reunite for another expedition. Something epic. Something unprecedented.

One peak in particular fascinated them, visible in the distance during their climb: Lhotse. 


A year passed. The trip never materialized. Life intervened.

Shortly after Makalu, Nelson’s marriage, long imperiled, ended. It was no time to take on epic adventures. She now split custody. She was entering her 40s with two kids, in a punishing, unstable vocation that required elite fitness.

She decided to take a year off from major trips. To keep in shape, she began running seriously for the first time, finishing an Ironman and an ultramarathon. She climbed her first big wall, found some sort of groove. One morning she awoke and realized she’d slept through the night.

She also kept in touch with Morrison. They made good training partners. Each abided little crap. Each could go all day and still have fuel left in the tank. Each understood and respected risks, and knew loss. Both loved the puzzle of planning a trip. Hilaree also felt drawn to Jim’s confidence and positivity. As she explains: “It sounds simplified, but his thing is, Yes. Yes, we can do that. That’s not something I’d heard a lot in my life, going back to when I was a kid.” 

Over time a friendship deepened. They became a couple. In 2017 they headed to the Indian Himalayas to attempt the first ski descent of Papsura, the Peak of Evil. “I’d never gone on a big expedition with a significant other,” she says. “I was afraid he may not see the same thing I saw in this mountain.” Then, when they got high enough to glimpse the summit, Jim stopped and stared, then began to cry. Hilaree felt relief. It felt to her like a watershed moment: “Jim let me have that space where it was like, ‘This is what I want to do. I’m ready.’ He was really supportive in me chasing my dream.”

For Morrison, the trip only fueled his desire. He yearned to go faster. Do more. And he wanted to do it with Hilaree. But she had her kids and her life. Jim? All he had was his business, an empty house and memories. Interactions hadn’t become much easier. Eventually he just came right out with it when people asked if he had kids. I used to but they were killed in a plane crash. That usually ended the conversation. 

The only place the world made sense was the mountains. So Morrison headed back, as often as he could. In the spring of 2018 he joined a team climbing Everest. By that point he’d spent decades in the backcountry. Still, he’d never experienced what happened next. As he passed 28,500 feet, some distance ahead of the group, the world narrowed until all that existed was the rasping of his breath and the snow beneath his boots. Then, whether it was hypoxia brought on by the thin air or a combination of exertion, deprivation and adrenaline, his reality began to shift. It was as if, he’d later say, the boundary between the living and the dead became permeable, if only for a moment. In time, he and Nelson would give it a name: the netherworld. For the next 30 minutes—or maybe it was 20, or maybe only five—he felt their presence for the first time since the accident: Katie and Wyatt and Hannah. For years Morrison had longed for that moment, “searched for some sign in my house.” He laughed and cried at the same time.

And then, as quickly as the feeling arrived, it was gone. 


Upon returning from Nepal, Morrison needed to head back. Immediately. By now, Nelson was ready. In June 2018 they began talking about Lhotse again. It was not the obvious choice.

Though the fourth-highest peak in the world, Lhotse bears little of the cachet of its neighbor, Everest. Movies are not made about Lhotse. Thrill seekers do not crowd it. Swiss climbers first summited it in 1956, but its middle peak remained the highest unclimbed spot on the planet until 2001. Lhotse holds particular appeal for skiers due to its unusual architecture. Under the right conditions, a thin ribbon of snow traces a jagged line off the peak, curving through a narrow rock chute for 1,500 vertical feet before emptying out onto the 5,000-foot Lhotse Face.

An expedition would require six months of prep and at least five weeks in Nepal, longer than Nelson

had spent away from the kids in three years. Their window would be narrow. Only at the end of 

September does a brief moment exist—as few as two days—when the peak can be both snowbound and skiable. It’s impossible to know for sure. The line is only visible from near the summit. 

Make the top, and you still must deal with the descent itself. Not only is the couloir 60 degrees but it’s also self-sloughing, meaning avalanches roll down constantly. Still, Nelson had dreamed of it for decades, Morrison since he was a kid. They persuaded The North Face to pony up funding, then lined up photographers, sherpas and a helicopter pilot. By August, they were ready to launch.

The team included Morrison, Nelson and five sherpas—Tashi Sherpa, Ila Sherpa, Urken Sherpa, Fura Sherpa and leader Palden Namgyal Sherpa, who had climbed Everest nine times—as well as two photographers, Nick Kalisz and Dutch Simpson,

neither of whom had been above 21,000 feet. 

Weather delayed the start. Then their skis were late arriving. They wasted valuable days waiting. Now they’d need to move even faster. It would take 30 to 33 days to get to the peak. That put them into October, when storms roll in. They’d need to shave days off when they could. Complicating matters, they were utterly alone on the mountain, meaning Jim and Hilaree’s team would be breaking through deep snow and ice the whole way up.

Love and Lhotse
Nick Kalisz

The clock ticked as they headed into the basin at the bottom of the peaks. At this altitude they could hear and see the avalanches, seracs breaking, clouds of snow rolling down the mountain. As they pushed toward Camp Two, a storm rolled in, the snow thick as gauze. Already, Palden Namgye Sherpa felt their pace unrealistic. He and the sherpas turned around to head back to Camp One to wait out the storm.

But Morrison and Nelson pushed on, deciding to wait it out with the photographers in a single-wall, superlight three-person tent. Each avalanche sounded like a 747 engine. Morrison claimed not to be worried. The other three weren’t so sure. “We gotta move,” Nelson finally shouted. “Now!”

Leaving the tent, they roped to one another and began climbing. An hour in, they realized they’d gone the wrong direction. Eventually, they made it to a relatively safe area. Two days later, upon returning to pick up their gear, it was gone. An avalanche had swept it into a crevasse. 


Above 20,000 feet, where Morrison and Nelson pitched camp to acclimatize, the body can no longer be trusted. Hunger dissipates even as the body, absorbing food less efficiently, needs more fuel. Less oxygen reaches the brain, making sleep difficult. Every task becomes laborious. The world shrinks.

At night the couple organized their gear, each item integral. A sleeping bag became an ecosystem: the pee bottle (altitude makes you go more), the GU energy packets, the batteries, stored next to the body to keep them from shorting. They became fixated on weight. Morrison thought he should carry more; he weighed more, after all. Nelson hated that logic. She wanted to be equals in everything.

In reality, she hated anything that divided her by gender, even implicitly. Early in her career she had found that male climbers, impatient to keep going, would often just solve the problem for an inexperienced female peer rather than teaching, making mentors hard to come by. Sherpas tended to listen to men more than women. Locals often held antiquated notions. Once, in Lebanon, a man tried to buy her for three goats.

Now, as she pushed back, Morrison told her weight wouldn’t matter if they didn’t make their window. A storm was set to hit on the night of Sept. 30. He did the math: To ski Lhotse, they would need to be off the summit by 2 p.m. at the latest. They would have to skip Camp Four entirely. 

It further complicated matters that Morrison and Nelson were not only trying to make history but also trying out a relationship. And love brings with it vulnerability. Which is great if you’re going on vacation together, and not so great if you’re about to enter something called the death zone.


They began Day 29 before 2 a.m., flanked by Fu Tashi Sherpa, Ila Nuru Sherpa, and Dutch and Nick. (The other sherpas had set trail the day before.) The terrain was alternately rock, ice and snow. Sometimes they waded through drifts; sometimes they crawled on all fours. As they passed 25,000 feet, progress slowed in the thinning air. Step. Pause. Breathe. Step. 

A little after 5 a.m., dawn broke. The light grew in the east, a warming pink, then hit the tips of the peaks and, finally, washed over them. Nelson paused to take it in, enraptured—later, she would wonder if that moment was as close to the meaning of life as you can get—then continued on.

By noon, with 1,200 feet to go, they had entered the death zone. At this elevation humans can survive for only a limited time. Their bodies were now actively working against them, siphoning energy reserves, impeding judgment. Their pace slowed. Nelson lifted the oxygen mask to her face. Instantly, she knew something was wrong. Introducing oxygen to a depleted body at that altitude can spike body temperature. From nearly hypothermic, she went to broiling. Morrison watched as she began disrobing. Off came the mittens. The hat. The down jacket. “KEEP GOING!” she yelled.

So he did. Ten feet. Then he weighed his options. “She is, I use the words fiercely independent in some of these situations,” Morrison says. A chivalrous boyfriend would help in a moment like this; Nelson hated chivalry. 

He decided to wait it out. Within 10 minutes, Nelson calmed down after what she later deemed “my hissy fit.” In general, she has come to embrace such moments. She hates how male climbers often pigeonhole women as being “too emotional.” Maybe, Nelson posits, letting off steam isn’t such a bad thing: “Perhaps more men should try it.”

Now, masks on, they made for the summit. They had yet to glimpse the couloir in full, which meant they still had no idea if they could ski it. It seemed a crazy notion: climb for a month and not know if you’ll even be able to achieve your objective. Then, roughly 500 feet from the top, Morrison exited a narrow, rocky chute, and there it was, the Dream Line. Not only was there snow, but a ton of snow. 

By now, they could see the summit; they also knew the final climb was technical, a thin 100-foot passage through walls that shed ice and rock.

The last time Nelson had been on this stretch was 2012. That spring, a Czech climber, Milan Sedlacek, preceded her group, climbing solo, without oxygen. What happened during his descent is so common at extreme altitudes that it has a name: sitting down to die. You take a quick break, but that slows the respiratory rate, depriving a body already on code red. Hypothermia sets in.

Nelson had come across Sedlacek’s body in 2012, frozen in its final pose, eyes open, mouth ajar, garbed in red down jacket, yellow boots and black beanie. The image haunted her for years. And she knew he was still here, somewhere, under the snow, as removing bodies is both costly and dangerous. Now she feared punching through with her crampons or ice axe and discovering him. 

But she did not punch through. And the weather held. And half an hour later the six climbers had made it: the top, a ridge no bigger than a large canoe, with steep cliffs on either side.

For a few moments they reveled in the tableau before Morrison and Nelson pulled skis from either side of their packs and strapped in. (To save time, they had climbed in ski boots.) Only later would they realize how close they’d cut it: They summited at 1:45 p.m. and, as Hilaree wrote in her journal that night, “Wind picked up at 2:20.”

Finally, the challenge and reward: the descent. Jim clicked on his GoPro and leaped off the ridge. The snow felt like a crust of candy. Each breath was like pulling sand through his throat. He didn’t care. He connected a jump turn to another jump turn, then a third, a feat at normal altitude, to say nothing of 27,000 feet. Nelson followed, and now each carved giant S-curves into the powder. They had climbed 4,140 vertical feet in 12 hours. And now, at a point when most climbers faced a grueling descent, which can be more dangerous than the climb, they instead floated down the snow, which Morrison called “a panel of snow unrelatable to anything you’ve skied or seen anywhere else.”

Three hours later, they finally hit rock.

And that, they assumed, was that. Then, three days later, they touched down in a helicopter in Kathmandu to find a film crew waiting. The world seemed to care. Not just the adventure world but the rest of it. Which was all great, but it wasn’t why they had done it.


Love and Lhotse
Nick Kalisz

Why? It’s the inescapable question for people like Morrison and Nelson. Why take such risks? Why climb a mountain’s sheer face without ropes, or cross an ocean solo, or surf swells that rise like skyscrapers?

Often, people who do not do these things make assumptions about those who do. That they are adrenaline junkies or they harbor a death wish. And sometimes that’s the case. But not always.

Now it is April, half a year after the descent, and they are in Tahoe together, at Jim’s house on the lake. Sitting on a couch—Jim lean and cross-legged, wearing a hat, Hilaree in a T-shirt, veins ridging on her arms—they look like hummingbirds in forced repose. At the moment, they are between expeditions. They make do, skiing and climbing locally.

Professionally, they know their window is narrowing. Morrison is 45; Nelson is 47. In the meantime, they want to do as much as possible, Morrison’s business continues to thrive. Nelson spends 40 days a year making appearances and speeches for The North Face. She thought she’d hate it, but she likes that she can model achievement to young girls, women and moms. 

But the idea of settling down still freaks them out. “I’m so much more terrified of getting in some routine where every day is the same, where everything’s just comfortable and easy,” Nelson says. “And I don’t know how to really explain why that terrifies me so much, but even just saying it makes me want to start crying.” 

She doesn’t know why she’s like this. When she came back from the failed mission in Burma, she couldn’t bring herself to shower or sleep in a bed. All she wanted to eat was rice. Says Nelson, “My one really close friend in Telluride—she doesn’t get necessarily what I do, but she gets me. She’s just like, ‘You’re fine. You’ll be fine. Just deal with it. You got this.’ But I’m like, ‘I haven’t had a shower in months. I don’t know how—I haven’t looked at myself.’ There’s no reflective surfaces when you’re climbing. You’re just who you are. And to come home and have a closet full of jeans and be like, Oh my God, I don’t know what to wear. . . .”

Maybe, she wonders, she’s just different. Does this make her a bad mother? A good one? “I don’t know. I tell myself a lot that the risks I take and the places I go are eventually good for my kids, and that they’re learning about their mom as an individual, too, as a person seeing that I have a passion and I’m in tune with that in living a life.”

For years she wanted to impress her father. On some level, she still does. After years of questioning her career choice, Stan is now a huge fan. He drives to Seattle to hear her speak and calls Jim all geeked up about her exploits. 

As for Jim, Hilaree knows their relationship will never be normal: “Sometimes I get more emotional about it than he does because it’s sad. I mean, I would give anything to meet his kids. I can’t even imagine what his daughter would be like. I’d bet she’d just be a frickin’ hellion. We all have s--- in our life that makes us who we are. I wish that wasn’t his background, but it is.”

Love and Lhotse
Donald Miralle

At one point after the crash, Morrison read a book called StrengthsFinder 2.0. The idea is to determine your personality type. His wasn’t much of a mystery: the Achiever. As author Tom Rath describes it, “You feel as if every day starts at zero. By the end of the day you must achieve something tangible to feel good about yourself.”

Morrison knows he’s using achievement as therapy. Maybe that’s not a bad thing. “To a large degree, the mountains saved my life,” he says. “They created a space for me to thrive and find happiness and feel alive and feel like I have something I can accomplish.” The urge is constant. Just the night before, he says, when they returned home in his camper van, he felt the pull. “As I was getting out, I was like, I kind of want to spend the night in the van. I was cognizant of my thought, of wanting to do it, even though I hadn’t been home.” He continues. “What does that say about me?”

Morrison knows life will be complicated. It will never get easier telling people what happened to his family, and he can never replicate what he had with them. He tries to stay in the now but regrets linger. He wishes that, just once, “I’d taken Wyatt to school and picked him up the same day.”

There is no return to normal, whatever that is. He may spend the rest of his life trying to fill some void, trying to create permanence in an impermanent world. Or at least keep the past and future at bay. “I’m not sure if I’m back where I started,” he says, “or somewhere else, just going around and around.” 

So far, the best way forward he’s found is to strip it all down—to, as he says, “find calm in the suffering.” Or, as Nelson says, “I think the mountains are the only place for him.”

He knows this might not be your choice. But ask him why he does it—why he seeks risk and scales peaks—and Morrison will tell you it’s not a choice, exactly. That you go where you find your peace. And that’s where he finds his.

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Colin O’Brady Wants to Scale the 50 Highest Mountains in the U.S. in Just a Month
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Denali in the #MountainAlphabet project
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Manxman, 68, claims UK climbing record
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Azar becomes youngest woman to climb Everest twice
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Fingerless Kim Hong-bin to scale Gasherbrum-I
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New Route and Fifth Ascent of Cerro Paine Grande in Patagonia
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Hansjörg Auer to scale Lupghar Sar West
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Limerick climber Ger McDonnell commemorated on mountain where he died
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Swedish-Pakistani Team Targets Mt. Spantik
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Woman with Cerebral Palsy Scales Tallest Mountain in Africa
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Top-5 Climbing and Mountain Movies (Part Three)
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SC Vacates the Rule to Bar Double Amputee, Blind Persons From Climbing Mt Everest
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Cancer Survivor Is Planning to Scale the Most Dangerous Mountain In the World
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South Koreans Survive Avalanche on Latok One
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Top-5 Climbing and Mountain Movies (Part Four)
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Karakoram 2018 Season Summary
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Youngest Climber to Scale All the 7-Summits and 7-Volcanic Summits
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Alex Honnold Free Solo Trailer
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Kami Rita Sherpa Scales Mt Everest 23 Times
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Russian mountaineer rescued on Latok I
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Video of Andrzej Bargiel K2 First Ski Descent
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The first 10 climbers to summit Mt Everest
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Old Man of Hoy climb by eight-year-old raises 30,000 € for Climbers Against Cancer
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2,000 kg solid waste collected from Mt Everest region
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Colin Haley dashes up Denali Cassin Ridge in record-breaking 8 hours 7 minutes
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Top-5 Climbing and Mountain Movies
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Nirmal Purja Heads to Dhaulagiri for No-O2 Summit; Camp IV Set up on Mt Kanchenjunga
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Bielecki and Berg Pushing Among Avalanches on Langtang Lirung
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Lhakpa Sherpa scales Mt Everest nine times breaking the world record
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Cotopaxi in The #MountainAlphabet Project
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Australian Steve Plain becomes fastest climber to scale the highest peaks in seven continents
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Four Sherpa climbers scale Mt Pumori
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Australian Becomes Youngest Woman to Climb Cho Oyu
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A Huge Number of Climbers at the top of Mt. Annapurna I
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Two Climbers Missing on Fitz Roy, One Dead
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This 90-Year-Old Climbs Mountains Like It's Nothing
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Blind climber is on the hunt for a new guide dog
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Stricter Regulations for Expeditions on the Tibetan Eight-thousanders
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Denis Urubko Climbs New Route on Gasherbrum II
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Winter 8000’er Update: Despair on Nanga Parbat, K2 Climbers Still Hopeful
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K2 Summits by Adrian Ballinger, Carla Perez & Co
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Winter 8000’ers: K2 Climbers reach 7,000m, Nanga Parbat Castaways Wait, and Wait
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Txikon, Russians Gear Up for Winter K2
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Kami Rita Sherpa and His Team Left the Base Camp
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Netflix casting call for new movie on Tenzing Norgay Sherpa
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Eiger Odyssee Video Featuring Barbara Zangerl and Jacopo Larcher
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The Everest Dilemma: North or South?
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Harrington, Lindič and Papert Complete First Integral Ascent of Mt. Fay’s East Face
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Blind climber leads fiancee on 449-foot climb in Scotland
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70-year-old double-amputee mountain climber in China plans to conquer more peaks
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K2 winter climb leader optimistic his team can summit the world’s second highest mountain
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Eiger: Roger Schaeli Completes New Route to Famous North Face
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First Ascent of Mt Nupla Khang
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David Lama Makes the First Ascent of Lunag Ri
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Pumori Southeast Face climbed via new route
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Climber: Sky is the Limit – survival mountain climbing simulator officially announced
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How Anne Lorimor climbed Mount Kilimanjaro at 89
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Legendary ice climber Will Gadd helps climate scientists navigate melting glaciers
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The First Dog Ascent of a 7,000-Meter Himalayan Peak
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Nirmal Purja Stands atop Kanchenjunga after Heroic Ascent of Dhaulagiri, Annapurna
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“I Was in Free Fall”: Climber Filmed His Harrowing 60-foot Tumble Down Boulder’s Second Flatiron
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New Himalayan Peak Unclimbed
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How I Climbed All 446 Mountains in England and Wales in Six Months
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Talking With Alex Honnold’s Mom: The Oldest Woman to Climb El Capitan
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Climbing Route to Everest South Col Opens
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Malaysian Climber Survived on My Oxygen: Guide
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Opinion: Are Mountain Climbers Selfish?
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Kami Rita Sherpa and His Team Left Base Camp to Camp-1 for Their First Rotation
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Brazilians Blaze Big New Climb up Ulamertorsuaq in Greenland
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Jan Morris - Surviving Member of the 1953 Everest Expedition
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First Black African Woman, Others Scale Mt Everest; Summit Success on Lhotse, Makalu
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Three Polish climbers recognised by National Geographic as Adventurers of the Year
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Sherpa widows breaking down taboos as they eye Everest
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K2 in Winter: Can it Ever Be Done?
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The Denis Urubko Story
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Sherpa Widows Scale Mt Everest to Inspire Single Women
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Insider Report: Everest BC to Camp 2 in Great Shape
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Nirmal Purja Climbs 6 Peaks in 4 Weeks, Sets New World Record
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Filmart: Jackie Chan, Wu Jing to Star in Chinese Mountain Climbing Epic
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79-year-old Japanese woman will try to scale Mount Everest
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More Than 10 Tonnes of Garbage Collected from Everest
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Twelve Climbers Scale Mt Lhotse as Summit Route Opens
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Italian Paraclimber Scales El Capitan Zodiac in Yosemite
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#MountainAlphabet. Letter A - Mount Aconcagua
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Andrzej Bargiel becomes first in history to ski down from K2
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First paraglider flight from Mount Everest video
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Mountaineer Kim Migon Conquers His14th Eight-thousander
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Second Ascent of Denali Light Traveler
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31 climbers summit K2
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Hansjörg Auer succeeds in Lupghar Sar West solo ascent
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Climb for Climate Team Aims to Scale 82 Summits in 100 Days
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Colin O'Brady Scales 50 Highest Peaks in the US in 21 Days
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Janhukot finally climbed, British team makes first successful ascent
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Andrzej Bargiel Aims for First Ski Descent of K2
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Mt Manaslu records first summit of autumn season
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Sherpa climbers summit Europe’s highest peak
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Astorga and Chase complete first female ascent of Denali's Slovak Direct
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Pakistani mountaineer to climb Gasherbrum-II
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Double amputee Chinese stands atop Mt Everest
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Drone Saves Climber Presumed Dead in the Karakorum
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Climbers from Germany and Russia to ski Dhaulagiri
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Kami Rita Sherpa among 60 climbers scale Mt Manaslu on Day IV
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Climbers taken to Everest with fake permit
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Two Sherpa climbers aim to set world record on Mt Everest
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Two climbers are trying to recreate NASA’s twin study—on Mount Everest
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Famed mountaineers celebrate 40th anniversary of historic Everest conquest in Nepal
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Luo Jing becomes first Chinese female mountaineer to conquer 14 eight-thousanders
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A 79-year-old Carlos Soria Will Attempt Dhaulagiri Again This Spring
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Mt Lhotse records first summit of the season
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Mount Baker in the #MountainAlphabet Project
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Piolet d’Or 2018 Winners Announced
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Nirmal ‘Nims’ Purja Scales Nanga Parbat to Complete His Seventh 8000er
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Simon Messner Completes Solo Ascent of Unclimbed Geshot Peak / Toshe III in Pakistan
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Zdenek Hak and Marek Holecek Complete the First Ascent of Chamlang's Northwest Face
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Wainwright Peak Run Record Beaten by Paul Tierney
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Poles Summit Nanda Devi East
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The Climbers: Wu Jing and Jackie Chan in New Everest Movie
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Near-death Experience Inspires Climber to Become a Nurse
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I’ve Climbed Everest 21 Times. It’s Not the Mountain It Used to Be
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Climber On a Quest to Conquer the World's 14 Highest Peaks in Record-breaking Time
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Rock Star: After 'Free Solo,' Climber Unsure of Next Journey
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150 Paragliders on the Mont Blanc Summit
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No-Season Update: Cleaning Everest, Training Indoors
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10-year-old Pakistani Girl Becomes World’s Youngest to Scale 7,000m Mountain
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Free Climber Scales 310-metre Shard Skyscraper in London
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Romanian Climber Conquers Gasherbrum II Peak Without Supplemental Oxygen
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Gasherbrum II: Urubko Goes It Alone Tonight
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Climber, 60, Rescued on Mount Olympus
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89-year-old Anne Lorimor becomes oldest person to climb Mount Kilimanjaro
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Overcrowded and More Dangerous, Mont Blanc Faces a Crisis
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Breaking: Nirmal Purja Climbs Broad Peak
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Aconcagua Speed Ascent
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Five Nepali Climbers Including Nirmal ‘Nims’ Purja Scale Mt K2
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Francesco Cassardo Rescued On Gasherbrum VII
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Karakorum Today: Hidden Peak, Nanga Parbat, Gasherbrum
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Walltopia builds the tallest climbing wall in the world
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Purja Launches New K2 Push — But How Risky Is It?
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Ecuadorian Climber Sets New Speed Record on Denali
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A Barefoot Woman Scaled the Face of Mount Rushmore
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Fingerless S. Korean Climber Has Reached the Summit of Gasherbrum I
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Toddler Becomes Youngest Person to Climb Three Peaks in Memory of His 'First Best Friend'
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Max Berger Summits Broad Peak, Paraglides From Camp 3 (Video)
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Polish Team En Route to Summit Push on Nanda Devi East
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Mandy Moore Celebrates Reaching Mount Everest Base Camp
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A 10-Year-Old Just Climbed the Nose
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Gripped Film Picked Up for Distribution, Announces Release Date
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With Two Ascents in a Week, Kami Rita Sherpa Scales Mt Everest for Record 24 Times
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14 Climbers Scale Mt Everest as Second Summit Window Opens
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Everest is Open, But Will Anyone Show Up?
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Best Climber in the World: at 96 Marcel Rémy Still Fighting
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Toddler may be youngest climber to reach top of 10,000-foot mountain
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Nepal Refutes Indian Army’s Yeti Claim
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Pakistani Team Heads for Nanga Parbat Massif
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Traffic Jams on Mt Everest as Over 200 Make Final Summit Push
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‘Like the moon landing’: Reinhold Messner climbed Everest alone 40 years ago
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Mountaineer Viridiana Álvarez Chávez of Mexico snags Guinness World Records title
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Nepal reopens door to mountain climbing; strict health protocol in effect
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The First Cho-Oyu autumn expedition takes off for 2020
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Malaysian Climber Kin Chin in Critical Condition, Under Treatment at Mediciti
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Bahrain expedition team arrives in Kathmandu, to be first expedition in 2020
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First Summit of 2019 on Nuptse
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A Climber Scaled the Eiffel Tower
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Krzysztof Wielicki Awarded Piolet d'Or Lifetime Achievement Award
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‘Congestion Didn’t Cause Everest Deaths’
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Karakorum 2019: K2, the Gasherbrums and Nanga Parbat
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Five First Ascents in Alaska by Simon Richardson and Mark Robson
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14-Year-Old With Cerebral Palsy Summits the Marmolada in Italy's Dolomites
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Blind Paraclimber Jesse Dufton Climbs The Old Man of Hoy
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Crowds and Solitude on Kangchenjunga
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Tourists Traveling to Tanzania: No Plastic Bags or Face Fines
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The Principles of Alpine Climbing / Mountain safety with Steve House
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Nat Geo's Instagram interactive lets you experience climbing Mount Everest
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Mingma Dorchi Sherpa Sets World Record For Fastest Consecutive Summits of Everest, Lhotse
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Summing Up the Himalayan Season
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As Everest Melts, Bodies Are Emerging From the Ice
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She Had Stage 4 Lung Cancer, and a Mountain to Climb
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French Climber Rescued from Nanga Parbat Summits Everest, Lhotse
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The Quiet Himalaya: A New Route on Chamlang
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Mingma Gyalje Sherpa Climbs Gasherbrum II Without Supplemental Oxygen (Video)
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Climbers Flock to Uluru Before a Ban, Straining a Sacred Site
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Climbers Bonington and Scott seek volunteers for new Everest challenge
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Nepali climbers scale Mt Aconcagua promoting Visit Nepal 2020
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Italian Pair Complete First Winter Linkage of Matterhorn and Grandes Murailles
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Kilimanjaro climb inspires Muguruza for push to Melbourne summit
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British climber summits remote Antarctic mountain only 10 people have ever seen
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Nives Meroi and Romano Benet: A life in the death zone
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The 12 Funniest Exploration Books
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Winter 8,000’ers, Updated: Summit Action Brewing
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He left a successful career to scale mountains and he's never been happier
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This Siberian Husky Summited All 58 of Colorado's 14ers
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“Crazy Swede” – That’s the Nickname You Get When You Bike 13.000 Km from Sweden to Nepal
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Kilian Jornet Races BASE Jumper in Epic New Video
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27 permits for winter ascents issued so far
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How This Mountain Biker Stays Sane in Racing Limbo
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Coronavirus: Chinese explorers start Everest climb amid pandemic
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How the World's Best Mountain Climbers Do Quarantine
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Climbing the height of Mount Everest from the comfort of your own home
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Mingma Gelu Sherpa receives highest Russian honour in mountaineering
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Who is Really Going for Winter K2 This Season?
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Interview with Denis Urubko
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Lydia Bradey, first woman to climb Everest without supplementary oxygen
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Broad Peak: Urubko Reaches 7,000m
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John Snorri’s K2 Winter Expedition Continues: “I Feel Good”
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There’s Still Hope for Karakorum Climbing in 2020
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Julien Herry, Yannick Boissenot score new new descent on Aiguille du Peigne in Mont Blanc massif
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Two Turkish climbers trapped in Everest rescued
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The Ice City
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Stefano Ghisolfi: stay at home, it’s time to climb and let your imagination soar
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Icefall doctors leave for base camp to open Everest route
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Virtual reality Everest VR docuseries takes you up the world’s tallest mountain at home
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Nepal Invites Russian Defense Ministry to Climb Mount Everest
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Matterhorn mountain is lit up with 'stay home' message
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How a tiny pooch taught her human to climb mountains
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Sherpa climbers eye record speed winter ascent on Everest
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Man climbs height of Mount Everest in Saskatoon gym
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Last Chance for Winter Everest: Kobusch Moves, Txikon Readies
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Acclaimed Polish-Russian mountaineer, Denis Urubko retires
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Tourists rescued in Ben Nevis blizzard
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Breaking: Urubko Changes His Mind, Makes for Broad Peak Summit NOW
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Idaho brothers scale 9 peaks over 12,000 feet
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South Africa’s first all-women team sets out to climb Mount Everest
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12-year-old Mumbai girl becomes youngest in the world to summit Mt. Aconcagua
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Don Bowie among 2 rescued from Pakistan's Broad Peak
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Man who lost leg in motorbike crash will attempt a gruelling trek to Everest Base Camp
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Five-year-old boy set to achieve new world record after climbing equivalent of Everest in six months
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Chinese Install 5G and Live Webcam Coverage on Everest
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Vanessa O’Brien becomes the first woman to reach Earth’s highest and lowest points
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Why the Mountaineering World Can’t Stop Talking About Denis Urubko
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Kilian Jornet among 10 climbers to scale Mt Everest in autumn; Andrzej Bargiel eyes record ski descent
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Everest region bans single-use plastic to reduce waste
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Japanese Duo Scorches New Line on Rakaposhi
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Courageous climber scales Ben Nevis despite fighting multiple sclerosis for 12 years
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French politician accused of doctoring photo of Alpine climb
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One-handed rock climber Kaitlin Heatherly takes competition by storm
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Everest Summits!
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Latok I, Lunag Ri, Lupghar Sar West ascents awarded with Piolets d'Or 2019
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First ascent of Link Sar
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Roger Schaeli climbs the Eiger 50 times
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Nirmal “Nims” Purja Is More Than a Viral Photographer
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Polish skier Andrzej Bargiel to climb and ski down Everest this fall
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Video: female accomplishments in climbing and skiing from the past 20 years
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Peter Hillary: My father would have sighed
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Himalaya, Karakorum: When Will We Climb Next?
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Her goal is to become the first transgender person to scale the Seven Summits
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Gábor Rakonczay ran 363km from sea level at Genoa to the summit of Mont Blanc
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China opens Everest for its nationals in spring season
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Simon Messner, Martin Sieberer summit Black Tooth in Karakorum
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Mont Blanc: Outcry as ex-marine dumps rowing machine near peak
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230 permitted to climb six mountains this autumn
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Chinese Team to Measure Everest (Again)
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Polish ski daredevil Andrzej Bargiel abandons autumn Everest challenge
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Moro and Lunger Aim For Gasherbrum Traverse
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Chinese survey team plans to summit deserted Everest
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Everest Visible from Kathmandu
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She climbed Everest nine times and set a world record – so why doesn’t she have sponsors?
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Barbara Zangerl and Jacopo Larcher free climb The Nose on El Capitan
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'It's not about ego', says speed climber who tamed world's 14 highest peaks
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Video: Tango on Rock
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China to allow Nirmal ‘Nims’ Purja to climb Shishapangma
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Nirmal ‘Nims’ Purja sets world record scaling 13 peaks in five months
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Risht Peak first ascent in Pakistan's unexplored Yarkhun valley
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First Israeli woman, French survivor of Nanga Parbat among 100 climbers who scale Mt Manaslu
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Airbus H145 summits Aconcagua
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Manaslu Summits, Plus Everest, Purja Updates
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Nirmal ‘Nims’ Purja scales Cho Oyu; China still unresponsive to Shishapangma permit plea
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Junko Tabei, first woman to summit Everest, celebrated by Google
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Climbers eye virgin peaks in western Nepal
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Nepali climber set for final push in record 14-peak bid
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Sherpas fix rope upto Camp III on Mt Manaslu
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Pakistan: Mountain girls pursue love for football
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Sherpa climbers promote Visit Nepal-2020 on Mt Kilimanjaro
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Elite climbing couple is tackling Everest and El Capitan while keeping romance alive
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Day hikers are the most vulnerable in survival situations
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Ben Tibbetts Becomes Second Brit to Summit All 4,000m UIAA Alpine Peaks
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Bodies of climbers found in Himalayas 30 years after they disappeared
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Adelaide Woman Could Become First in History to Complete Explorers' Grand Slam
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Never-Seen Images from the First Ski Descent of Lhotse
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Latok I: Impossible Is Not Forever
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Yuichiro Miura, 86, to ‘hang on to the last’ in summit attempt of Mt Aconcagua
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'Warm' Ice in World's Highest Glacier
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Incredible ‘Mountain Ghost’ Caught on Film Lurking at the Top of Irish Mountain
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David Lama Lunag Ri Solo Ascent Video
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Himjung in Nepal: Vitus Auer, Sebastian Fuchs, Stefan Larcher climb new route
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Everest North Side Goes Green
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Graham Zimmerman and Chris Wright: First Ascent on Mount MacDonald
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Interview: David Lama on His Lunag Ri Solo
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15-Year-Old Connor Herson Frees the Nose!
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Weather Wizards: High-Altitude Forecasting
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Keita Kurakami Makes First All-Free Rope-Solo Ascent of the Nose
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Mummified bodies of three climbers found in Mexico 59 years after they went missing
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Mugu Peaks in Nepal, new route climbed by Anna Torretta, Cecilia Buil, Ixchel Foord
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Irish boy sets 'world record' by climbing highest North African peak in Morocco
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Winter K2: Now or Never
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First Winter Ascent of Pik Pobeda in Siberia by Simone Moro and Tamara Lunger
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The Man Who Ran up Everest Twice in a Week
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Former Gurkha Lays Poppy Tribute at Himalayan Mountain Peak
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A Marine Vet Who Lost a Leg in a Helicopter Crash is About to Scale Everest
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Eight Climbs at 80 Years Old for Fundraising
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Coedpoeth Mountaineer Leads Team to Summit of Himalayan Peak that Has Never Been Scaled Before
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First Ascent in Patagonia
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Winter 8000’ers: K2 Teams Unite
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David Lama: the Valsertal Sagzahn - Verschneidung Video
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Free Solo Nominated for Oscar!
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Winter 2019: Simone Moro and Pemba Gyalje Sherpa Returned from 6400m
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China To Cut Everest Climber Numbers To Clean Up World's Highest Peak
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Climbers Shrug off Harsh Weather, Vow to Scale K2
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Sherpa Climbers Seek Social Security
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Lonnie Dupre Aborts Mount Hunter Solo
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Climber, 68, Rescued from Mount Hood after Whiteout
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A New Film: Dreams of Himalaya
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Crossing Antarctica: How the Confusion Began and Where Do We Go From Here
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Simone Moro to Put up a Surprise on Mt Manaslu this Winter
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Big New Dolomites Winter Climb
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Polish Climber to Join K2 Expedition
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Great Motivation: First Indoor Climb at 99!
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Tom Ballard Reaches Camp 1 on Nanga Parbat
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Dueling Teams Ready to Attempt K2 in Winter
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Zabardast: Incredible Freeride Skiing in the Heart of the Karakorum
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Colin O’Brady Becomes First Person to Cross Antarctica Solo
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Sherpa Widows to Climb Everest to Inspire Single Women
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Urubko and Barnasse Target New Routes in Patagonia
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Mountaineers Carving New Route to Climb Nanga Parbat
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Fabian Buhl, Alexander Huber Climb Choktoi Ri in Karakorum, Pakistan
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Lonnie Dupre to Attempt First Solo Winter Ascent of Begguya (Mt. Hunter), Alaska
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Maria Tolokonina and Nikolai Kuzovlev Win Combined Worlds in Moscow
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New Documentary About Everest
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Lakpa Gelu Sherpa Becomes the Fastest Everest summiteer
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First Ascent of Cerro Mangiafuoco
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Queen of Everest
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Foreign climbers stranded on Mt Manaslu
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200 foreigners to climb Mt Manaslu this autumn
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Kids Meet a Mountaineer
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Alex Honnold scales exterior of N.J.'s tallest apartment tower
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Freeride in Death Zone. Two Alpinist Will Ski From Annapurna
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Carlos Soria Returns to Dhaulagiri for One More Try
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Eiger’s Hardest Repeated by Zangerl and Larcher
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Everest Climbing Permit: Expedition handling agency faces action for forgery
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Mummified body of Russian climber found after 31 years on Mount Elbrus
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The Cholita Climbers of Bolivia Scale Mountains in Skirts
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Belongings recovered, Pemba Sherpa remains untraced
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Dhaulagiri and Cho Oyu in one season
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North Ridge of Latok I Finally Climbed After 40 Years
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Eight-time Everest Summiter Pemba Sherpa Goes Missing in the Karakoram
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A 10-year-old mountaineer scaled Mt Elbrus, Europe’s highest peak
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Meet The First All-Black US Group Set To Climb Mt Kilimanjaro
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Fingerless South Korean scales Mt Annapurna
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Summit route opens from Nepal side, 8 Sherpas scale Mt Everest
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Search for top Bulgarian mountaineer missing in bid to reach Tibetan summit
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7-Year-Old Becomes Youngest Girl to Hike Mount Kilimanjaro
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Season’s first summit on Mt Makalu: Chinese female climber scales the peak without oxygen
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Kim Hong-bin: without fingers onto Annapurna
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Top-5 Climbing Books (Part One)
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France to impose daily cap of 214 climbers on Mont Blanc
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Bold Attempt to Ski the Lhotse Couloir
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Yuichiro Miura to Climb Mount Aconcagua at the Age of 86
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Sir Edmund Hillary's granddaughter to scale Everest in 2020
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Conquering Mt. Everest, Against All Odds
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Denis Urubko: I’m going back to K2
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Mountain Climbing as Marriage Therapy
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Climber Survives Avalanche
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Blind British Climber Summits Europe’s Highest Mountain
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Kilimanjaro Triumph for Women With Albinism
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Dani Arnold Climbing Power Shrimps Video
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Memorial Plaque in the name of Valeriy Rozov Opened in Moscow
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Newly-discovered pictures of George Mallory's first bid to climb Everest
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Japanese climbers complete a new route on Cerro Kishtwar's northeast face
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Grossglockner: new route climbed by Hans Zlöbl and Ulrich Mühlburger
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273 Irish Mountains in Two Months
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Climber Attacked With Crampon On Manaslu
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Route to Mt Ama Dablam Summit Opens
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Four Chinese climbers complete all 14 peaks above 8,000m this autumn
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91-year-old breaks Devils Tower climbing record
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Foreign climbers to scale K2 in winter
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A group of amputee-athletes successfully summited Cotopaxi
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Freeride in the Death Zone: Project Cancelled till the Next Year
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Sir Richard Branson 'seconds from death' on charity Mont Blanc climb
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Over 200 climbers scale Mt Manaslu
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Carlos Soria abandons his expedition on Mt Dhaulagiri
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American climbers perform a record ski descent on Mt Lhotse
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Team of blind climbers summit Mt Kilimanjaro
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Climbers Resume Efforts to Scale K2, Nanga Parbat as Weather Improves
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Nepali Climbers Scale Highest Peak in South America
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SA Free Climber Heads To The Cederberg In Rad Short Video
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Bielecki: Why I’m Going Back to Annapurna
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NatGeo explorer Sung-Taek Hong to attempt Lhotse South Face yet again
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406 mountaineers receive permits to climb 15 peaks in Nepal Himalayas this spring
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This is what it takes to get a foreigner to Everest
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The unusual story of a Colorado mountain man and his canine companion
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Wes Lang and his quest to climb Japan's top 100 mountains
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103-year-old becomes Junior Ranger at Grand Canyon National Park
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Plan to clear Everest of bodies, trash
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Daredevil adventure-seeker abseils into active volcano with molten lava before doing a handstand on the edge
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How Mount Everest Got Its Name
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Expedition to remeasure height of Everest
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Meet the world’s only professional sea stack climber
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Climbing in the 2020 Olympics, Explained
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Everest Virtual Reality climb with Sherpa Tenji, Jon Griffith
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Reinhold Messner - Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
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Vanishingly Rare: Cory Richards, Esteban “Topo” Mena To Attempt New Everest Route
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Mick Fowler and Vic Saunders revive Himalaya climb plans after cancer diagnosis
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‘Free Solo’ wins the Oscar for best documentary feature
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A conquest to climb all 14×8000s in just 7 months
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Ben Nevis avalanche: Three climbers die on UK's highest mountain
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Ice climbing helped her out of addiction; now, she’s pulling others up
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Climbing the Mountain of Success
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Unforgiving: Braving Mount Washington
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‘The stars aligned’: Ice climbers make first-ever ascent of Canada’s tallest waterfall
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Kami Rita Sherpa to climb Everest for the 23rd time
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Baker Perry to lead NatGeo team on Mt Everest; John All returns for climate research
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18-year-old Malavath Poorna scales Indonesia’s Cartensz Pyramid
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Why we climb mountains
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Daredevil skis down Europe’s tallest 'vertical' rock face
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Himalayan Spring Roundup: Everest, Annapurna, Jannu
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Icefall doctors fixing route on Mt Everest as spring climbing season begins
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What’s next for Las Vegas climbing couple after Oscar gold?
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Swedish Man Climbs Mount Everest Using 3D Printed Gear
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Jannu Climbers: Safe at Last
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Climbers make 1st winter ascent of Yukon's Mount Wood
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Lifelong secret of Everest pioneer: I discovered Mallory's body in 1936
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Amputee US woman left for the Mt Everest region
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Prince Harry's Hero Amputee to Climb Everest
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This Yosemite Climber Free Soloed Fitz Roy in Patagonia
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Txikon’s Last Chance for Winter K2
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Famous Climber Adam Ondra Does Ballet (video)
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Weary Climbers Continue Down Jannu
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Jason Momoa Talks about why he started climbing and why he wants to pass it on to his children
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Tips to Make Trekking Safe and Enjoyable for Seniors
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2011: First Winter Ascent of Gasherbrum II
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Experience: I Climbed 61 Mountains in a Year
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Annapurna, Thank You for Being Alive
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Peter, Horia eye record ascent on Mt Dhaulagiri
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China Closes Everest Base Camp to Tourists Until Further Notice to Tackle Mountain of Rubbish
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Man Who Strangled Mountain Lion Makes First Public Appearance
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Paralysis Can’t Stop This Climber’s Reach
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Two Climbers Quit Nanga Parbat
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Mountaineer Mingma Gyabu Sherpa Feted with Piolets d’Or Asia Awards
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Pou Brothers Put Up New Route in Patagonia
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Rock Stars: A Day of Climbing With 'Free Solo' Star Alex Honnold and Jared Leto
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Rising Temperatures Could Melt Most Himalayan Glaciers by 2100
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Indigenous Bolivian Women Summit Aconcagua
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Indian Woman Makes History With Her Climb Up Sacred Mountain
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Yuichiro Miura, 86, Aborts Climb of Mt. Aconcagua
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David Lama and Hansjörg Auer Missing After Avalanche in Canada
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Oldest Woman to Summit Mount Aconcagua
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Pilot-in-command failed to correct junior’s error
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Chinese Double Amputee Xia Wins Laureus Sporting Moment Of the Year
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Four Sherpa Climbers Evacuated from GHT High Route
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374 world climbers including 12 Nepalis obtained climbing permits for Mt Everest
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2020 season climbing permits for Denali and Mount Foraker suspended
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Everest: The Final, Massive Summit Push Begins
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Andrzej Bargiel’s K2 ski descent / The revolutionary use of drones in High Altitude Mountaineering?
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In Nepal, Sherpas are losing vital tourism income, but 'stopping the virus is more important than our jobs'
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British climber didn’t know world was on lockdown until getting to Everest base camp
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Bielecki and Berg Call Off Annapurna
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Search and Rescue Groups Urge People to Stop Climbing Cabinetry During Pandemic
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Left out to freeze on K2 and forgotten
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Record-breaking Sherpa says mountain goddess warned him from 26th Everest ascent
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Sherpa siblings become first Nepali team to reach South Pole
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Dozens of people with COVID-19 were likely on Mount Everest this climbing season
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Argentine Authorities Find Body Believed to be Spanish Climber Missing for 30 Years
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Will corona pandemic also stop Karakoram climbing season?
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A 12-Year-Old Girl Will Try to Climb Broad Peak
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48 noted polar explorers declare support for National Geographic criticism of Portlander Colin O’Brady
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Hundreds of trekkers stranded on Nepal's mountain trails after coronavirus lockdown
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Two Dead on Kangchenjunga
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Winter 8,000’ers: Everybody in Base Camp
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Govt refuses Everest clean-up amid pandemic calm
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As Himalayas Warm, Nepal’s Climate Migrants Struggle to Survive
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Nepali Sherpas wait, grow potatoes as Himalayas remain closed due to coronavirus
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Three killed, three injured in Lukla crash
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Video: retreating Mer de Glace, Mont Blanc’s largest glacier
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Crieff boy, 11, youngest to climb the Matterhorn
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Everest: A new chapter in the search for British climber Sandy Irvine
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Malaysian climber missing on Mt Annapurna
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Mystery on Everest: did Mallory and Irvine reach the summit in 1924?
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Alleged Everest Faker Set to Receive The Highest Indian Adventure Sports Honor
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Irish Professor Seamus Lawless Missing Near Balcony Area on Mt Everest
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Watch 2 Athletes Climb K2 Without Supplemental Oxygen
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Bodies of three mountain climbers recovered after last week's Banff avalanche
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First Summit of 2020 in Nepal, Death and Rescue in Pakistan
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Malaysian Climber, Who Was Rescued Alive from Mt Annapurna, Dies in Singapore
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Woman climber Tsang Yin Hung sets world record for fastest Everest climb
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Pakistan's Ali Sadpara: The climber who never came back from K2
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Mount Fuji to be closed during this summer climbing season
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Under Cyclone Fani Impact, 20 Tents Blown Off At Everest Camp
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Everest: Ice Fall Doctors Begin Work as Winter Officially Ends in Nepal
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Annapurna Summit Push Begins
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Ed Jackson: The quadriplegic climber scaling Everest in his parents’ house
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Remembering Hansjörg Auer, David Lama, Jess Roskelley
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Great Survival Stories
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Peruvian Climber Dies on Nepal's Mt Makalu
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One Man’s Attempt to Solve a Mystery at the Top of Mount Everest
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Nepal records season's first summit of 8000-metre peak as climbers scale Mt Annapurna
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Himalayas seen for first time in decades from 125 miles away after pollution drop
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Open, Opening or Closed: Adventure Destinations in the Summer of COVID
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Dodging Avalanches, Simone Moro Abandons Manaslu
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Nepal Closes All Mountains, Including Everest
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Updated: K2 and Nanga Parbat Action is On!
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The Climbers Who Survived a Week Stuck on Mount Rainier
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‘Green Boots’: The Most Famous Body on Mt Everest
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Experienced Scots Climber Named Among Those Killed in Avalanche in the Himalayas
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Breaking: Weather Forecast Changes for the Worse on K2
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Freesoloist Austin Howell Dies in Fall
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Season’s First Casualty on Manaslu
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Tom Ballard and Daniel Nardi Missing on Nanga Parbat; Rescue Operation Underway
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Carlos Soria leaves for Dhaulagiri; Sanu Sherpa to complete all 14 peaks
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Sister of tragic Scots climber makes heartbreaking pilgrimage to Himalayan peak where he died
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Climber Emily Harrington rescued by ‘Free Solo’ star Alex Honnold after fall
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Breaking: Wrecked Tent and Avalanche Debris Spotted on Nanga Parbat
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Nanga Parbat: New Avalanche on Mummery Spur; Weather Hampers Rescue Effort
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Brad Gobright: Free solo climber falls to his death
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Bodies of Seven Missing Climbers Recovered From the Himalayas
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Hurricane Heading for Winter K2
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Slovenian who skied down Everest dies cutting wood
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Thousands raised for missing climbers
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Tributes to 'Incredible Mountaineer' Who Died During Ben Hope Climb
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Climber Rescued After Breaking Leg in Avalanche on Mount Snowdon
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Mountaineers find Soviet-era climber’s belongings at Mount Elbrus
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Rock climbers killed in suspected cliff fall in Flinders Ranges
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Everest climbers to face stricter rules after deadly season
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Romanian elite climber killed in Fagaras Mountains
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Running, at Age 72, from England to Nepal
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Tatra mountains: Five dead after lightning strike in Poland and Slovakia
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Winter K2 Preview: Between Mountain Excellence and Commercialization
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Stone on Mt. Fuji became the cause of climber's death
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K2 Summit Push Aborted
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On K2, 120 Climbers Make Their Move
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Sergi Mingote to Climb All 8000’ers Without O2 in 1,000 Days
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Missing French Alps climber found 43 years later
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Karakorum: Great Weather, Early Successes
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Global warming has made iconic Andean peak unrecognizable
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American Climber Dies from HAPE on Mt Ama Dablam
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Search called off for missing Himalayan climbers
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China Just Closed the North Side of Mount Everest
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Mount Fuji plans to start charging compulsory fee to climbers
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Nanda Devi: Helicopters Join Search For Eight Missing Climbers
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Gone but Not Forgotten: Daniele Nardi and Tom Ballard
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Everest: Wind Forces Delay
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'Too dangerous': Calls for Switzerland’s Matterhorn to be closed to climbers
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Melting Mount Everest glaciers reveal dead climbers' bodies: report
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Denis Urubko Back in Base Camp After Surviving Avalanche
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Snowstorm Kills Five Korean and Four Nepali Climbers
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Expedition aborts Broad Peak ascent at 7,650 metres
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Coronavirus fear rattles Everest climbing season
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Winter ends on Everest without an ascent
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Top mountain climber Andrew Vine missing for two days after avalanche
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Mountaineering’s Drug Problem
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Jared Leto recalls 'nearly' dying while rock climbing
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After Deadly Jam on Everest, Nepal Delays New Safety Rules
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Death toll upped to 38 as avalanche in Turkey wipes out rescue team
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Bodies of 5 Missing Mountaineers Spotted Near Avalanche-hit Nanda Devi Peak
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95 Years Ago, Everest Was Just as Deadly but Much Less Crowded
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Louis Vuitton Sells $1,590 Chalk Bag
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Swiss Climbers Slammed for Landing Plane Near Top of Mont Blanc
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Avalanche Strands 4 Italians, 3 Local Climbers in Pakistan
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Everest 2019: New Route Attempt
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Winter K2 Wins Again: It’s Over for Pivtsov’s Team
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Scientists Find Warm Ice in World’s Highest Glacier
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Mount Everest summit attempt in winter to be first in 27 years if successful
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Six trekkers including 4 Koreans missing in avalanche in Annapurna region
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Sixty Years Later, Russia Is Still Trying to Figure Out What Killed These Hikers
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Bodies of Nardi and Ballard found on Pakistan's "Killer Mountain"
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Breaking: Simone Moro Expedition Ends in Near-Fatal Crevasse Fall
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The Volcanic Seven Summits
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Three Indian Climbers Make Fake Everest Summit Claim?
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Mount Everest mystery solved? Mallory’s oxygen tank ‘broken’ before summit climb
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Behind the scenes of the rescue of the last solo climber on Mount Logan
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4 Climbers Stranded on Treacherous Mount Rainier Route
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Jost Kobusch Waits Patiently for a Solid Window on Winter Everest
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