Daily Mountain
47 years, Australia
An 86-year-old Japanese adventurer is preparing to take on a new challenge. Yuichiro Miura is aiming to conquer the highest peak in the South American continent in January.
He has climbed Mount Aconcagua once before, when he was in his 50s. The Argentinian peak is about 7,000 meters above sea level.
Miura gave a talk to high school students in the northern Japanese city of Sapporo on Tuesday. He told them their dreams will come true if they never give up.
He says age isn't something that matters when taking on new challenges.
On May 23, 2013 Miura became the oldest person to climb Mt Everest at the age of 80.
This article first appeared on www3.nhk.or.jp. The original can be read here.
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