Daily Mountain
47 years, Australia
Mountaineers Simon Messner and Martin Sieberer have made the first ascent of Black Tooth, a 6718m mountain in the Karakorum range in Pakistan.
Photo by Simon Messner
On 26 July 2019 Simon Messner and Martin Sieberer completed the first ascent of Black Tooth, a 6718m peak next to the famous Muztagh Tower in the Baltoro region of Pakistan’s Karakorum. Austrian Philipp Brugger accompanied the duo on the expedition but did not feel sufficiently fit for the summit push and remained in base camp.
According to initial information, Messner and Brugger encountered difficult conditions and on the summit push departed without a tent to save on weight. "Probably the wildest thing we've both done so far" Simon told planetmountain.com. More information about the ascent will follow in due course.
Just a few weeks ago Messner made the first solo first ascent of Toshe III, a 6200m peak in Pakistan known locally as Geshot Peak.
Links: FB Simon Messner, www.simon-messner.com, Salewa
This article first appeared on http://www.planetmountain.com. The original can be read here.
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